Understanding Keyword-Level Call Tracking

You have probably heard about keyword-level call tracking for some time now, but haven’t really recognised its significance. If you’re a marketer, however, it’s one of the most crucial things you need to study and understand. With more and more consumers conducting...

Offline Advertising and Call Tracking

These days, it seems most business owners are spending a huge percentage of their marketing budget on online advertising. This is understandably the norm nowadays, especially because of the massive popularity of social media and mobile devices. On top of that,...

7 Metrics to Track on Inbound Calls

An old management adage says, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” No matter how long ago those words were coined, they remain accurate to this day. Indeed, how can you manage your business and determine if it’s profiting or not unless you measure several...

4 Reasons Agencies Should Use Call Tracking.

Does your client know you are simply awesome? How do you prove that the uplift in calls to your clients business is a direct result of your hard work? If you can’t show your client, you are losing an opportunity to increase client retention and perceived value. What’s...